Tang Soo Do Martial Way Association, Inc.

Kwan Gi (Association Flag)

The Tang Soo Do Martial Way Association, Inc. (formerly known as the Tang Soo Do Moo Do Kwan Assoc., Inc.) which was formed in 2002 is a private, "for-profit" corporation that is incorporated under the laws of the State of California. The corporate office is presently located in Sacramento, California. The principle shareholder of the corporation is Grandmaster Andy Ah Po.

The Association is comprised of certified Tang Soo Do Dan members and has an appointed five-member Board of Directors which functions primarily in an advisory capacity on issues involving member services, activities, and events. The business and administrative functions and activities of the corporation are handled directly by Grandmaster Ah Po who is the Chief Executive Officer.

The Association is a martial arts organization that is dedicated to preserving and promoting the original techniques, principles, and philosophy of the martial art known as Tang Soo Do, as developed by its late founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee of Seoul, Korea. Only Dan members of the Association are required to pay membership fees. Gup (student) membership and testing fees are not required by the Association.

In addition to developing and making available Tang Soo Do curriculum of the highest quality and standards via personal instruction, training camps, clinics and seminars, written instructional material, videos, DVDs, and other high tech media, the association primarily provides Ko Dan Ja, Yu Dan Ja, Kyo-Sa and Sa-Bom testing and certification services to its members.

Other products and services available to members and studio owners include Gup certificates, Gup and Dan testing materials, and association patches and pins. The Association also sponsors local, national and international tournaments, training camps, and studio owner business seminars and participates in other activities and functions sponsored by other Tang Soo Do organizations whose founders are either current students of Grandmaster Ah Po or who are directly affiliated with him.

Member studios are also able to participate in a special program offered by the association under a special agreement with an international martial arts supplier. Under this program, association studio owners are able to purchase, at highly competitive wholesale prices, regulation and fully trimmed Dan and Gup member uniforms with the association's patch and inscription (embroidered on the uniform) and embroidered Dan and Sa Bom belts, as well as other martial arts products.

The Association is a member-friendly organization (which does not charge any studio certification or membership fees) and will continue to actively explore providing additional services, consultation, and products that are deemed to be of value and benefit to its members.